APHG AGM and Roundtable Event "What Does Good Integration Look Like?"
This online meeting will begin with approximately 20 minutes to hold the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Health’s AGM, with the groups chair Dr Lisa Cameron MP, to elect officers for the coming 12 months and discuss options for inquiries.
This will be followed by an online roundtable chaired by Baroness Finlay examining examples of how integration can improve access, experiences, and outcomes of care at a place level. The Health and Care Bill legislates for the formation of Integrated Care Systems across England, promoting joined up working between social, primary, and secondary care to meet local health needs and challenges.
Speakers will discuss examples of good practise at a local and ICS level, how integration can enable local health care to be preventative, address inequalities and plan for population need. They will also discuss issues around developing effective ICSs, how integration fits into broader health policy and how to meet the health challenges now and in future.
We are delighted to hear directly from ICSs, clinical staff and industry providing examples of their work to improve outcomes.
Parliamentarians are asked to join at 14:00 for the groups AGM. Non parliamentarians and event attendees will be asked to join at approximately 14:20 and will be asked to sit in the zoom waiting room until then.
To confirm that you would like to remain/become a member of the APHG, to register your attendance at the AGM, integration event, or both, please email becky.rice [at] policyconnect.org.uk (becky[dot]rice[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk)