Bricks and Water 2: Scoping Session


Last year, the WSBF launched Bricks and Water, our evidence-based assessment of the challenges associated with sustainable housebuilding and water management in England.  The report was well received throughout Parliament and was referenced earlier this year in the Committee on Climate Changes' housing report: Fit for Future?

Our forthcoming project will build on the recommendations within Bricks and Water, specifically those for water efficiency, flood resilience and sustainable drainage.  It will explore the efficacy of current policy and explore items for inclusion within a Property Resilience Certificate (PRC).  Our vision for a PRC would build on the existing Energy Performance Certificate required when a home is sold or rented.  In order for the accompanying series of Parliamentary round tables to be as focussed as possible, the WSBF is holding a scoping session on 21st November 2019, 9.30-11.30AM to develop the agenda for each of the round tables and explore the challenges and opportunities associated with development of a PRC.  Round table discussion topics include:

  1. Water efficiency and re-use: Exploring mandatory per-capita consumption targets, compulsory metering, rainwater/greywater rec-use and tightening of building regulations.
  2. Flood risk, resistance and resilience: Exploring current planning policy on flood risk, best practice for property level flood resistance/resilience and feedback from the insurance industry
  3. Management of surface water runoff and the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems:  Exploring the current hierarchy for disposal of surface water, requirements for adoption and maintenance of sustainable drainage and developer rights.
  4. PRC administration and incorporation into the planning regime:  Exploring opportunities for changes to planning policy/building regulations and how a PRC could be administered or integrated with the Energy Performance Certificate.

The session will be chaired by Policy Connect chief executive, Jonathan Shaw.  If you would like to attend this event please email WSBF manager,robert.allen [at] (subject: Bricks%20and%20Water%202%3A%20Scoping%20Session) ( Rob Allen)