Explaining the NHS White Paper "Integration and Innovation"

14:00-15:30 (90 minutes)

The All-Party Health Group is delighted to be hosting this event examining the Governments White Paper for Health. “Integration and Innovation: Working Together to Improve Health and Social Care for All” was first published in February 2021.

The white paper sets out future legislative proposals for a health and care bill designed to allow integration of health and care systems so that they can work together more effectively for the benefit of the population.

“Integration and Innovation: Working Together to Improve Health and Social Care for All” is a Government white paper first published in February 2021.

The white paper sets out future legislative proposals for a health and care bill designed to allow integration of health and care systems so that they can work together more effectively for the benefit of the population.

This event, chaired by Karin Smyth MP, features speakers from the Kings Fund, Nuffield Trust and Health Foundation examining the content and key themes of the white paper. The discussion will explain ICS's, unpack the new powers handed to the Secretary of State, governance and accountability as well as discuss the papers additional notes and what is missing. 

For more information on this event please contact becky.rice [at] policyconnect.org.uk