Net zero delivery inquiry: Public Engagement
Carbon Connect is holding an inquiry on a net zero delivery architecture for low-carbon heat, energy and transport. This is the third of four evidence sessions, looking at the role of public engagement.
Following on from recommendations in its previous reports, Uncomfortable Home Truths, and Pipeline to 2050, Carbon Connect's latest inquiry will consider the different elements required for the establishment of a delivery framework for the decarbonisation transition. Its scope includes the decarbonisation of heat, energy and transport, and covers four thematic areas:
- Governance structures and place
- Skills and standards
- Public engagement
- New and existing business models
During this session the inquiry co-chairs, Darren Jones MP, Wera Hobhouse MP and Alexander Stafford MP, will hear evidence from a multitude of stakeholders, including business, local government, academia and policy experts.
For more information, contact Rein de Loor.