Report Launch: Future Gas Series Part 2 - Producing Low Carbon Gas


Carbon Connect is undertaking a three-part research project, entitled the Future Gas Series, to investigate the opportunities and challenges associated with low carbon gases.

This event will formally launch the second report in the series. This report focuses on the 'upstream' questions related to the supply and production of low carbon gases (hydrogen and biogases). It has been co-chaired by Dr Alan Whitehead MP, James Heappey MP & The Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP.

In September 2017 Carbon Connect launched the first report in the Future Gas Series entitled 'Next Steps for the Gas Grid'.

Register here.

Chair: Jillian Ambrose - Energy Editor, The Daily Telegraph


Dr Alan Whitehead MP, Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change

James Heappey MP, Member of Parliament for Wells

The Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP, Member of Parliament for Orkney and Shetland

Mitya Pearson, Carbon Connect

Nicola Pitts, National Grid

Ian McCluskey, IGEM


Future Gas Series: Part 2 is sponsored by IGEM & National Grid.