Third session of APPCCG COP26 Inquiry: The role of sub-national governments in the UNFCCC process

15:00 to 17:15

The third session of the APPCCG COP26 inquiry will look at the role of sub-national level government actors in the run up to COP26

RSVP: jacob.ainscough [at] (jacob[dot]ainscough[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk)

Timing: The session will formally conclude at 17:00, however the call will remain open until 17:15 for discussion and virtual networking amongst audience members. 

This session will be led by Daisy Cooper MP alongside the inquiry co-chairs and will hear from expert witnesses including:

  • Dr Thomas Hale, University of Oxford
  • Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol
  • Tim Ash Vie, The Climate Group
  • Emmanuelle Pinault, C40 cities (invited)

Subnational governments – which include municipal, regional and provincial authorities – have a vital role in helping to achieve the Paris Agreement through local and regional climate action. Although such actors do not hold formal ‘Party-status’ at UNFCCC meetings, they have also been increasingly stepping up to shape climate negotiations. UN Secretary Generals Ban Ki-moon and António Guterres have sought to increase the role of subnational actors in combatting climate change, and the UNFCCC has created new institutional structures to coordinate and engage them. At COP25 the Chilean Presidency announced that 15 regions and 398 cities have committed to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Many subnational governments have joined and formed coalitions to increase knowledge sharing and collaboration, as well as to amplify their voice and visibility on the international stage. High-profile coalitions include C40, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, ICLEI or the Under2 Coalition. Demonstrating the scale of these initiatives, the Under2 Coalition in itself brings together 220 governments which represent 1.3 billion people and 43% of the global economy. Several UK municipalities, regions and devolved administrations have also been stepping up to accelerate climate action.

The aim of the session is to investigate questions such as:

  • What role do subnational actors play in the UNFCCC process and climate diplomacy? 
  • What action can subnational governments take to facilitate a successful COP26?
  • What steps does the UK Presidency need to take to facilitate the engagement of subnational actors and how should Westminster engage with devolved, regional and local governments to achieve the UK’s climate ambition?
  • What role should the UK Presidency play in facilitating subnational climate action internationally?

The sessions will be held remotely and will be open to APPCCG members to observe.

Please contact jacob.ainscough [at] (jacob[dot]ainscough[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk) to register your interest.