The Accessible Transport Policy Commission Autumn Roundtable

The Accessible Transport Policy Commission hosted its autumn roundtable in Parliament last week on the roles and responsibilities of accessible transport staff in local government.  

Chaired by the new Vice Chair of the Commission, Richard Baker MP, the roundtable discussed the findings of the National Centre for Accessible Transport’s research into the practices of staff who are involved in helping to ensure local transport systems are accessible and the challenges they face in their roles.  

In the opening section of the discussion, participants noted the negative impact that a lack of accessibility best practice standards has had in key parts of the transport system – particularly for the bus industry.  

There was also regular mention of the need for accessibility to be embedded in equality training for local government transport staff and the importance of disabled people being paid to share their knowledge.  

The meeting also reviewed a series of draft recommendations that have been developed from the research and will be featured in an upcoming report on the accessibility of local transport systems.  

Speakers from across the UK’s regions noted the importance of ensuring that ncat’s findings are shared effectively across the UK to improve accessibility expertise and resources.  

The roundtable featured excellent contributions from: 

  • Helen Ellerton, Head of Transport Policy at West Yorkshire Combined Authority. 
  • Keith McKain, National Bus Strategy Programme Manager at Surrey County Council. 
  • Debbie Preston, Access Advisor at Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. 

For more information on the roundtable or the work of the Accessible Transport Policy Commission, please contact clive.gilbert [at] (clive[dot]gilbert[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk).