Bricks and Water Report Launch
Policy Connect and the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum recently launched a new report in our Bricks and Water series - ‘Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Policy for a New Government’.
The latest Bricks and Water report outlines how policymakers can improve flood and coastal erosion risk management to ensure both new and existing communities are sustainable, resilient to climate change, and able to support the Government’s targets for economic growth.
Chaired by Baroness McIntosh of Pickering, alongside vice-chairs, Lee Pitcher MP, Helen Morgan MP, and Blake Stephenson MP, Bricks and Water addresses the need to better protect homes, businesses, and infrastructure from flooding and coastal erosion amidst more frequent and destructive extreme weather events.
It covers several critical themes – planning policy; flood defence funding and maintenance; coastal change; and property flood resilience.
The launch event was similarly chaired by Baroness McIntosh of Pickering, with insightful keynote speeches from inquiry vice-chairs Helen Morgan MP, Blake Stephenson MP, and Lee Pitcher MP.
Report author Rob Allen also addressed gathered attendees, outlining the report’s key findings and recommendations and how it can inform the new Government as it seeks to deliver sustainable housing and economic growth.
With experts from industry, local government, non-departmental public bodies, and academia in attendance, panelists and guests discussed the report's key themes and considered how the Government can best reform flood and coastal erosion risk management policy to protect England’s homes, farms, infrastructure, and businesses.
The launch featured insightful contributions from:
Alison Hume MP.
Julie Foley (Environment Agency).
Gareth Boyd (Watertight International).
Jason Storah (Aviva).
Mark Stratton (Coastal Partners).
Oona Muirhead CBE (Policy Connect).
Thanks to our launch event sponsor Aviva, and our inquiry sponsors Queen Mary University of London, Resilico, Southend-on-Sea City Council, and Watertight International.
If interested in contributing to further work on flood and coastal erosion risk management, please contact Rob Allen (robert.allen [at] (robert[dot]allen[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk)).