Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2021
With rising fuel costs pushing up the cost of living this winter, more people may suffer from Carbon Monoxide poisoning because they are unable to afford to service their boilers or buy an alarm.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which has been linked to a range of long-term health conditions and complications, including low birth weight in babies, brain damage and heart disease. Many of us could be being harmed without even knowing, as carbon monoxide cannot be seen, smelled or tasted – this is why it is known as the ‘silent killer’.
Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week is taking place this year from 22nd to 28th November. This annual campaign is led by the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG) and aims to raise awareness of carbon monoxide. Join in online with #COAW21.
Throughout the week important key messages will be shared online to help people keep themselves, their loved ones and their communities safe from this poisonous gas. Thank you to all who have joined in so far - take a look at some of today's action below.
There is concern amongst MPs and engineers that the increasing costs of living this winter will have a negative impact on many households who are struggling, as they may be unable to afford the usual upkeep and maintenance on their homes this winter. Families finding it difficult to put food on the table or afford essential medication may not prioritise having their boiler serviced. However, this could put them at greater risk of exposure to carbon monoxide poisoning.
So, this year it is more important than ever to support our communities and keep an eye out for the early warning signs that something might not be safe. The All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG) has partnered with United Against CO to produce a range of awareness raising content and online tools that can be downloaded for free. Keep safe this winter - get your online tool kit today and start spreading the word about carbon monoxide!