Empowering Innovation report launch
Parliamentarians, stakeholder, HE experts and Policy Connect members gathered yesterday to celebrate the launch of the Higher Education Commission's latest report: Empowering Innovation: The role of universities in boosting regional economies.
The Higher Education Commission invited people across the board to a special launch event of their newest report Empowering Innovation which puts the governments Levelling Up White Paper into action by setting out recommendations as to how universities and R&D can accelerate innovation and boost regional economies.
Joining us for the launch were the inquiry co-chairs Chris Skidmore MP and Lord Norton of Louth, and Policy Connect chair Barry Sheerman MP alongside our expert panellists:
- Daniel Monaghan - Report Author, Policy Connect;
- Natascha Engel - CEO, Policy Connect;
- Dr Jane Towers-Clark - Head of Academic Partnerships, ACCA Global;
- Professor Karl Dayson - Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Salford; and
- Richard Brabner - Director, UPP Foundation.
Empowering Innovation heard from innovators, businesses and universities across the UK to develop policy proposals that aim to create a policy environment where developing research and innovation-led business opportunities can be done across all regions of the UK, making use of each region’s unique strengths to boost its regional economy.
Each speaker and panellist shared their insights and thoughts on the report, highlighting the need to utilise what is currently working and how the recommendations in our report set out a roadmap for government on levelling up and how to achieve a change in culture.
The report provides central and local government with policy tools to help achieve levelling up through increasing innovation, skills and jobs. Putting power in the hands of regional civic and business leaders will enable them to take lead in shaping their economies – using local expertise to maximise their strengths and assets.
We would like to especially thank the sponsors for this report: Jisc, ACCA, UPP and The University of Salford.