Policy Connect's 2024 General Election Hub

Welcome to Policy Connect’s 2024 General Election Hub. Over the next six weeks, our teams will be providing analysis on the campaign’s key policy debates, manifesto launches, and priorities for our policy areas in the next Parliament.  

With the major parties pitching contrasting visions of ‘change’ and ‘security-focussed continuity’, we can expect voters to return their attention to the party’s domestic agendas after the Brexit-centred political realignment of 2019. 

Keep an eye out for our regular election updates between now and 4 July as Britain’s political parties outline their visions for health, education, the economy and industry, environment, and accessibility.  

Before this, let’s look ahead to some key election dates: 

Friday 24 May – Parliament is prorogued.  

Thursday 30 May – Parliament is dissolved. All APPGs cease activity until the State Opening of the new Parliament. 

Thursday 4 July – General Election Day. 

W/C 8 July – New MPs are sworn in. 

Wednesday 17 July – State Opening of the new Parliament.  

Crucially, we want to hear your views throughout the campaign. Keep an eye out for Policy Connect events and contact our teams to help inform the agenda for our research, policy briefings, and events in the next Parliament.  

Keep updated on our 2024 General Election Hub by following us on LinkedIn @Policy Connect and Twitter @Policy_Connect. We look forward to having you join us across the campaign! 

For more information on Policy Connect 2024 General Election hub and activities, please contact james.taylor [at] policyconnect.org.uk (james[dot]taylor[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk).