AI White Paper: First Reactions Roundtable
The APPG on Data Analytics is continuing its third inquiry into artificial intelligence (AI) and data ethics.
The aim of the inquiry is to set out the key practical and implementable elements of a standards system for the ethical use of data and AI. The design of the standards system needs to provide transparency and accountability to users and citizens while helping business to innovate and grow within the UK and across jurisdictions.
Following on from the UK Government’s recently published AI White Paper on 29 March 2023, Policy Connect will hold a first reactions roundtable as part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Data Analytics’ AI and Ethics inquiry. The session will focus on capturing thoughts on and reactions to the proposed regulation.
The session will be chaired by Lord Clement-Jones.
- Carly Kind, Ada Lovelace Institute
- David Leslie, The Alan Turing Institute
- Stuart Holland, Equifax
- Adam Leon Smith, Chair of Fellows Technical Advisory Group at BCS
Further speakers TBC.
For more information or to register interest, please contact alainah.amer [at] (alainah[dot]amer[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk)