APPCCG COP26 Inquiry. Putting our money where our mouth is: Climate finance and COP26
The fourth session of the APPCCG COP26 inquiry will look at climate finance in the UNFCCC process
RSVP: Jacob.ainscough [at]
This session will be led by Bim Afolami MP alongside the inquiry co-chairs and will hear from expert witnesses including:
- Charlene Watson – Research Associate – Overseas Development Institute
- Zoë Knight – Managing Director and Group Head of HSBC Centre of Sustainable Finance – HSBC
- Fran Boait – Executive Drector - Positive Money
The UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance define ‘climate finance’ as: ‘finance that aims at reducing emissions, and enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases and aims at reducing vulnerability of, and maintaining and increasing the resilience of, human and ecological systems to negative climate change impacts’.
The purpose of this session is to discuss the main issues pertaining to climate finance that will be discussed at COP26 as well as the role of the UK as COP26 President in ensuring that the current global finance goals are met. Topics will include:
- Progress towards the current collective finance goal of USD 100 billion and the role of the UK in ensuring this is met
- Issues to be considered in negotiations of a new collective finance goal post-2025
- Ensuring financial flows are consistent with a low carbon transition, as mandated by the Paris Agreement
- Financing of loss and damage
The sessions will be held remotely and will be open to APPCCG members to observe.
Please contact jacob.ainscough [at] (jacob[dot]ainscough[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk) to register your interest - full joining instructions will be sent prior to the event.