The Reinvention of Prevention: How to Fund and Finance a Pivot to a Prevention-First Healthcare System


The APHG and Milken Institute are hosting a reception in Parliament to spotlight innovative financing mechanisms to overcome barriers in funding community-level prevention services. 

The reception marks the launch of the report 'The Reinvention of Prevention: How to Fund and Finance a Pivot to a Prevention-First Healthcare System', which builds on Lord Darzi’s NHS review, emphasising a much-needed shift from hospital-based treatment to prevention-focused, community-driven healthcare. 
The evening will include a presentation of the report’s findings, a Q&A session, and networking opportunities. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr Simon Radford, Director, Policy and Programming, Milken Institute
  • Esther Krofah, Executive Vice President, Health, Milken Institute

For more information on the event, please write to Jasmin Adebisi (jasmin.adebisi [at] (jasmin[dot]adebisi[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk). )