Unlocking Potential: How Careers Guidance Can Fuel Economic Growth


NOTICE: While Parliament is dissolved ahead of the General Election, APPGs will cease all activity - this event will therefore be postponed.


The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Skills, Careers and Employment is partnering with the Career Development Policy Group (CDPG) on a parliamentary roundtable event to examine how career guidance can fuel growth in the UK economy.

The event will examine how careers guidance can be an overarching driver of economic and social change. We will look at the opportunity for careers guidance to support growth, from its role tackling youth unemployment or economic inactivity among both younger and older workers, to raising productivity, addressing skills shortages and mismatches, preparation for the future AI and net zero economy and enabling greater social mobility.

The event will be held in the House of Lords and chaired by Lord Knight of Weymouth.

The event will include short presentations of research showing the variety of economic and social benefits good career guidance can produce. We will hear proposals for policy changes to improve career guidance in the UK. A panel discussion and audience Q&A will follow.

Speakers and panellists to be announced!

For further information or to register your interest, please get in touch with peter.wilson [at] policyconnect.org.uk (peter[dot]wilson[at]policyconnect[dot]org[dot]uk).