Chorus Intelligence join APGDA
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Data Analytics is delighted to announce Chorus Intelligence as the latest supporters of the APPG.
Chorus Intelligence is a UK provider of data analytic solutions to law enforcement and join the APGDA as the Group prepares to launch its landmark inquiry into technology and data ethics in May 2019. Chorus CEO. Boyd Mulvey, presented at the Group's roundtable into policing and big data earlier in the year.
A spokesperson for Chorus said:
"Our technology is a solution for automatically cleansing, combining and connecting complex data sets including call data records, device downloads and financial data to help solve crime.
Our suite of analytical products are used by the majority of police forces and all of the counter terror units in the UK. We have been supporting law enforcement since 2011 in some of the highest profile cases in the UK by enabling them to analyse and visualise data using maps and charts to help open lines of enquiry and produce reports that can be given in evidence.
We also offer a range of CPD accredited training courses to help Analysts and Investigators understand and analyse different types of data that can be used for intelligence purposes.
Working with the APGDA will enable us to bring the private and public sector closer together with a better understanding of what data analytics involves in the realm of law enforcement. Also to ensure that data ethics remains of paramount importance to the way Chorus and our customers operate in the interest of public safety."
The APGDA is delighted to welcome Chorus as members and look forward to working with them and others to ensure that data works to improve public security, protect civil liberties, and improve trust in policing.