COVID-19 - Policy Connect Update
With state of play continually changing with COVID-19, we wanted to share how Policy Connect will work and engage with our members and parliamentarians during this period of uncertainty.
To ensure the health, wellbeing and safety of our employees and our stakeholders, Policy Connect staff have been working remotely and we are using a number of teleconferencing services to ensure we are staying in touch and continuing to operate as a team.
In addition to daily briefings from the Prime Minister, Chancellor and health professionals, important policy formulation will continue across government in all our policy areas, and Parliamentarians have expressed an enthusiastic willingness to engage with our stakeholders through technology.
Therefore Policy Connect will be continuing our roundtable debates and research inquiries through audio and video conferences. We have hosted a number of virtual events including a roundtable discussing a potential data code of ethics, and look forward to hosting many more in the coming weeks, including a roundtable on green manufacturing and webinar on the National Strategy for Disabled People.
If you have any questions about our work during this time of uncertainty, or if we can support you in any way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.