ATech Exports and Inward Investment
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Assistive Technology is hosting a parliamentary discussion on how policymakers and industry can collaborate to grow exports and inward investment, to further develop the UK’s world-leading Assistive and Accessible Technology (ATech) sector.
The UK is widely considered to be among the leading countries for ATech development and distribution, alongside the USA, Israel, and the Nordics. The UK has a particularly strong position in literacy technology, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and visual impairment, among other areas.
This event follows Policy Connect’s work to inform the Department for Business and Trade’s Export Promotion Brochure, launched this month.
Chaired by Lord Holmes of Richmond, participants will discuss how ATech companies can benefit from trade missions, the correct narrative for globally promoting the ATech sector, and the role of foreign direct investment in the UK’s ATech sector.
The session will feature contributions from:
Barney Willis – Department for Business and Trade
Clive Gilbert – ATech Policy Lab and Policy Connect
Nadine Farris – Inclusive Technology and DATEurope
Rick Bell – TextHelp and BATA
Noel Duffy – Dolphin Computer Access and ATIA
Annamarie Hassall MBE - Nasen
Robert McLaren – ATech Policy Lab and Policy Connect
For more information on the event, please contact robert.mclaren [at]