Bricks and Water 2: Property Flood Resilience
The housing crisis is an issue that is likely to remain high on the agenda throughout this Parliament and new development will exacerbate risks associated with flooding. The number of properties at risk of flooding will increase to 2.5 million by 2050 as a result of increased development, climate change trends (such as more intense rainfall events and sea level rise), and the conversion of green space to hard surfacing. The cost to the taxpayer of dealing with flood damage is already over £1bn every year, not accounting for indirect impacts (such as mental health issues) that can affect vulnerable residents.
The WSBF are currently undertaking an inquiry to develop the concept of a Property Resilience Certificate. In this session we will explore how best practice for property-level flood resilience and how credit should be awarded for protecting homes within a certificate. In order to achieve this, we would like to address the following questions:
- Is planning policy for assessment of flood risk appropriate and how can risk (including return period and depth of inundation) be determined at the property-level?
- Once the level of flood risk has been defined is there consensus on best-practice for property level-flood resistance and resilience?
- What evidence would the insurance industry need to determine flood resilience measures that would result in a reduction in premiums?
- Are some flood resilience measures better than others and how should credit for incorporation of resilience be awarded within a certificate?
- What opportunities are there for policy change in 2020 (Building Regulations review, Environment Bill, Future Homes Standard)?
This session will be chaired by Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Flooding, Coastal Communities and Water, Ruth Jones MP and will include contributions from the following guest speakers:
Graham Brogden - Outgoing chair, DEFRA Property Flood Resilience Roundtable
Ed Barsley - Director, The Environmental Design Studio
Professor Louise Bracken - The Water Hub & Durham University
For details of how to attend this event please contact Rob Allen